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Shell StartUp Engine


Demo Day

Powering the Future of Mobility

Tuesday 15th November, 2022 - 1:00 PM CET

Take a glimpse into the future of mobility that is powered by low-carbon fuels, has zero-waste and provides accessible transportation for all. Support our eleven startups as they showcase their innovative solutions aimed at making the entire lifecycle of mobility, from production to use to end-of-life, more sustainable as we transition to a net-zero world.

Find out more about the Shell StartUp Engine programme

In collaboration with:

Microsoft logoAVL logoStartupbootcamp logo

The Shell StartUp Engine, Social Impact programme of 2022 is empowering startups that address global critical socio-economic causes related to the future of mobility.

With both the world's economy and urban population set to double by 2050, transporting more people and products responsibly is a fundamental development challenge.

To help mitigate the societal and environmental challenges arising from this increasing mobility demand, the Social Impact programme supports startups who are creating solutions around the future of mobility.

We believe, if we are to realize solutions that create a fair and equitable energy transition for all, we must ensure sustainable innovation happens across the entire lifecycle of mobility, from production to use to end-of-life.

The 4 areas of impact for this programme are:

  • Reduce Carbon Emissions: Decarbonize urban mobility by reducing our global transport emissions (on all modes of transport land, marine and aviation) and by providing cleaner power options.
  • Zero-Waste: Eliminate waste through intelligent production design, reuse and recycle at end-of-life for all mobility products and applications.
  • Vitality, Access & Inclusion: Provide greater opportunities for all by designing inclusive, affordable, and accessible mobility options that enable people and products to move around equitably.
  • Lifetime Wellbeing: Support the enablement of people by providing solutions that help overcome difficulties relating to health, happiness, and safety (physically & digitally) in mobility.

Shell StartUp Engine

Shell StartUp Engine is Shell’s global acceleration programme that helps energy related startups validate and test business models and technologies that address challenges emerging from the energy transition.

The Social Impact programme is a specialized track of the global programme that is focused on the future of mobility and works with European startups. This track is delivered in partnership with Microsoft, AVL and Startupbootcamp.

Each of the partners brings their own expertise, experience and credibility to the programme, creating more value and impact for the startups.

Social Impact Programme Partners

  • AVL - Mobility expertise
  • Microsoft - Digital Enablement
  • Startupbootcamp - Programme Delivery

You can find more information about the Social Impact Programme here.

  • Welcome (1:00 PM CET)

    Romina Chatterjee

    Global Programmes Manager, Shell StartUp Engine

  • Opening Address by Shell

    Daniel D Silva

    VP Enterprise Accounts, Sectors & Decarbonization, Shell

  • Showcase Round 1 (1:05 PM)

    Startup Pitches with Q&A

    • Kora Sustainability (Latvia) - Gilad Regev, CEO & Co-founder
    • Shipzero by Appanion (Germany) - Mirko Schedlbauer, CEO & Co-founder
    • Spark EV Technology (UK) - Justin Ott, CEO & Co-founder
    • Celcibus AB (Sweden) - Patric Stafshede, CEO & Co-founder
  • Keynote Speech 1: Trends in the Innovation of Mobility by AVL (1:30 PM)

    Jens Poggenburg

    Executive Vice President, Software Products, Emission & Services, AVL

  • Showcase Round 2 (1:35 PM)

    Startup Pitches with Q&A

    • Awake.AI (Finland) - Karno Tenovuo CEO & Co-founder
    • AES, Autonomous Energy Systems llc. (Germany) - Marco Karber (Germany), CEO & Co-founder
    • Circu Li-ion (Luxemburg) - Antoine Welter, CEO & Co-founder
    • Waven (Poland) - Łukasz Cejrowski, CEO & Co-founder
  • The Role of Mentors in Startup Acceleration by Shell (2:00 PM)

    Kushan Biswas

    Global Account Manager - Strategic Partnerships, Shell

  • Keynote Speech 2: Inclusion in Mobility by Microsoft

    Hector Minto

    Lead Technology Evangelist (Accessibility), Director, Microsoft

  • Showcase Round 3 (2:10 PM)

    Startup Pitches with Q&A

    • CityMaaS (United Kingdom) - Rene Perkins CEO & Co-founder
    • Emulate Energy (Sweden) - Shwan Lamei, CEO & Co-founder
    • Evelity (OKEENEA DIGITAL) (France) - Sylvain Denoncin, CEO & Co-founder
  • Closing address

  • Breakout Rooms & Networking (2:30 PM)

  • End (3:00 PM)

Meet the Startups

These are the eleven innovative startups that are part of the Shell StartUp Engine programme. Click on their logos to learn more about them.



General Enquiries & Support

Interested in finding out more about Shell StartUp Engine, or joining our next cohort as a startup, mentor or a partner? Send us an email and we’ll be in touch with further details.

If you're having trouble participating in our Demo Day and we haven't addressed your issue in our FAQs, then please reach out.

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