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Kora Sustainability

Kora rewarding your climate actions

Company Details

USD $501K-$1M
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Management Team

Gilad Regev avatar

Gilad Regev

CEO & Co-Founder

Jaroslav Kuprijanov avatar

Jaroslav Kuprijanov


Learn more

About Kora Sustainability


Corporates need to engage with scope 3 carbon footprint reduction (can reach >75% of their total emissions) but find it very hard and costly to achieve. Consumers and employees want to act on climate and reduce their carbon footprint but do not know-how.


Kora rewards individuals and entities for decarbonisation.

We created an economic value for CO2 reduction by rewarding individuals for sustainable actions and connecting their actions to corporates' scope 3 reductions (as consumers and employees).


To date, Kora is the only solution that combines: a. real-time tracing, b. a tangible reward system, and c. gamification, which are essential for a solid and long-term engagement of users in changing their sustainability habits. From all the solutions we have seen so far in the market, Kora is the only solution in the decarbonisation/sustainability sector that provides the solution combining these elements. Hence, many of our competitors can also become partners.

Biggest Achievements

  • Tested with a company acquired by Shell in Germany (Sonnen)
  • Investment by blockchain foundation: Tezos
  • Launching version 2.0 in October
  • Apple featured the app as the best behavioral change app in sustainability - over 5,000 people downloaded and tested

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