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AES Autonome Energiesysteme GmbH

AES Autonome Energiesysteme is an innovative compact on-site plastic recycling plant that turns mixed plastic waste into crude oil

Company Details

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Management Team

Marco Karber avatar

Marco Karber


Andrew Sheldrick avatar

Andrew Sheldrick

CTO & Co-Founder

Jonas Bonus avatar

Jonas Bonus

COO & Co-Founder

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About AES Autonome Energiesysteme GmbH


There is so much plastic waste that is produced everyday and much of it is either non-recyclable or the process is simply too difficult to be expected to be done on a consistent basis. Our customers are for example automobile suppliers and plastic manufacturers with a high volume of mixed plastic waste. This waste is not mechanically recycable due to its structure, e.g. adhesive foils. These companies are in need for a new solution for their waste problems, as recycling quotas and CO2 pressure keeps rising.


AES utilises non-recyclable plastics, transforms them into an oil, and sells them to the petrochemical industry. This sustainably closes the material cycle. The plant fits into a 20-foot container and runs fully autonomously. The price tag for a plant with a throughput of 1 ton/day is about 500.000 €. The customer has an ROI of about 3 years.


AES builds small-scale plants for targeted on-site pyrolysis, which profitably recycle the waste and provide significant added value compared to waste incineration. With the help of the small plants, a defined waste stream can be processed for a maximum quality pyrolysis oil.

Biggest Achievements

  • Winning the first big capital investor (€200.000 NRW Bank)

  • Development, commissioning and selling of the prototype

  • Production of the first good quality oil in the prototype

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